Dirty Water Cooler with bacteria and algae

Maintaining a clean water cooler is crucial for health and safety, but the traditional cleaning process can be time-consuming and cumbersome. The International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) recommends that 5-gallon hot and cold water cooler dispensing systems be cleaned with a bleach solution every six weeks or after every other bottle change, whichever comes first. This process takes approximately 45 minutes.

How to Clean your Cooler Download Our Guide

Supplies Needed

  • Clean Rubber Gloves
  • Paper Towels
  • Lint-Free Towel
  • Plastic Scrub Brush (preferably with a long handle)
  • Teaspoon Measuring Spoon
  • Calibrated Container (2-gallon pail)
  • Unscented Household Liquid Bleach
  • Clean 1 Gallon Container Filled with Bottled Water


  • Unplug the cord.
  • Remove the bottle from the cooler and cap or cover it for reuse.
  • Drain all water from the cooler through the cold faucet into a bucket and discard the water.

For Steps 4-12 download our 12-step guide here:

This routine is essential to prevent bacteria and algae buildup, ensuring the water you drink is safe. Regular sanitization is endorsed by numerous reputable organizations, including the American Society for Microbiology, Tufts University, Brookhaven National Laboratory, and Health Canada.

Elimin8™ the Hassle with Hydr8

The Difference:

  • No Manual Cleaning: Forget about gloves, bleach, and scrubbing. Our machines take care of the cleaning for you.
  • Consistent Cleanliness: Advanced self-cleaning technology ensures that your water is always safe and fresh.
  • More Sustainable and Healthy: By going bottleless, you no longer ingest micro-plastics and contribute to a more sustainable planet.
  • Time-Saving: Spend your time on more important tasks rather than cleaning your water cooler and as we all know, time is money!

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